Say you have some online business…You are doing fine, you have old established website and everything is just right.
Monthly sales are great, you invest into banner ads and paid links but you know that this are money spend without actually growing the core of your business.
The moment you stop the advertising campaign, the moment that extra traffic you need stops flowing to your website. You know you can do better. You have heard about the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and its effects on rankings, but you don’t know what you need to know when approaching a SEO consultant! From our personal experience, please pay attention to the following tips:
1) Set your budget and have it ready to show to the SEO team helping you.
2) Know your niche(category, market) well and list all the keywords closely, essentially related to your business and write them down in a text document.
3) Expect a reasonable time for finishing the project (with the latest changes in Google’s algorithm, please allow up to 12-18 months for medium to hard keywords/phrases)
4) Force monthly payment and demand monthly report on what has been done and what the current rankings are.